DARCARS 355 Toyota of Rockville

Nov 4, 2022

Inclement weather is something that drivers in Rockville, MD, are all too familiar with. Driving in rain comes with a unique set of risks, but here are some precautions that can help you stay safe when you’re out on the road during wet weather.


Wait for Conditions to Improve

The only surefire way to avoid the danger that driving in inclement weather poses is to avoid driving during such conditions in the first place. If your travel plans aren’t due to an absolute necessity, it may be best to wait until the weather improves for you to head out on the road.

Cars driving in rain in Rockville, MD

Maintain a Slower Speed in Wet Weather

The above advice may not apply if an emergency requires you to head out in less-than-ideal conditions. If you do have to drive when roads are slick and wet, make sure to control your speed. You should drive a few miles per hour below the speed limit to ensure that you don’t lose traction on the slippery roads.


Utilize Your Headlights

Making sure that you are visible to other drivers is one crucial part of staying safe when driving during adverse weather. Activate your headlights every time you are driving in the rain, even if you are driving during daytime hours when you may not otherwise need headlights.


Turn on Your Windshield Wipers

Another easy way to improve visibility during a drive through the rain would be to turn on your vehicle’s windshield wipers. This allows you to clear off rain from your windshield so that you can better see the road ahead. Remember to adjust the wipers’ speed setting depending on how heavy the rain is. If your Toyota needs new wipers, click here to order them directly from us at DARCARS 355 Toyota of Silver Spring.


Keep a Safe Distance from Other Cars

While you should always maintain a safe separation from other drivers, that becomes even more important when driving in adverse conditions. Because your vehicle may not react as quickly when you brake, give yourself some extra room in case you’re faced with an unexpected stop.


Adjust Your Speed Gradually

While you may need to react to suddenly changing conditions during inclement weather, it’s important to remember to avoid heavy braking when possible. Slamming on the brakes increases the chance that you may lose control of your vehicle. Instead, adjust your speed gradually to remain fully in control at all times.


Be Cautious Driving Through Standing Water

During heavy rain, pools of water will accumulate in the road. Not only can this standing water make it difficult for your vehicle to get the traction it needs, but the water may also conceal obstacles that aren’t visible. Be cautious and avoid driving through standing water whenever possible.


With these helpful tips on your side, you’ll know exactly what to do when you have to drive through difficult weather conditions. For more driving tips, visit our blog today!


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